Submissions Department is looking for works of short fiction, novel excerpts or non-fiction essays that exhibit a tight command of writing that is well-crafted and textured. All works should be 3000 words or less (we are flexible with pieces close to the margin). Multiple submissions are ok but we will publish a maximum of one piece a month from any given author. Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please let us know if you have submitted the piece elsewhere. Authors retain all rights except first electronic rights. Please be professional in your approach. Please send polished, error-free pieces.

Submission Guidelines:
Download our Submission Form (MS Word Format). Fill out all appropriate details. Please refrain from using any exotic formatting - only using the form's standard formatting. Separate paragraphs with double-line breaks as in the example. After the form is completed, save the file in the following format: "SF_TitleOfPiece.doc", where SF is either SF-Short Fiction, NE-Novel Excerpt, or ES-Essay. Email submissions to our Dropbox.

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